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for sale: 89 240sx parts

03-08-2005, 04:14 PM
my car is dead so im selling parts off it. if you want anything at all, e-mail me at yemista@gmail.com and well negotiate prices. ill sell cheap because i just want to get rid of it for what i can.

herc rides again
03-08-2005, 04:30 PM
got injectors & altenator?
How much?

03-08-2005, 04:46 PM
alternator works great, but the injectors might need a cleaning. let me take the parts out and ill give you a price.

03-08-2005, 04:47 PM
hey herc, you're getting banned again.. don't even bother

03-09-2005, 08:43 PM
radiator still good? if so, how much?

03-10-2005, 12:49 PM
radiator works great. ill get you a price as soon as i can, but please send me an e-mail with your request at yemista@gmail.com. this is just so i can have it in my box and dont forget(i have a ton of request and am trying to sort them right now)

03-31-2005, 01:57 AM
got the tranny? email me at fig56@hotmail.com if you do.

04-01-2005, 07:09 AM
what color iterior?

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