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Unhinged Lancia Rallye 037

02-11-2005, 02:35 PM
Hi All

My current project is the Revelegawa Lancia O37 and in a fit of enthusiasm just after Christmas I decided I would add a lot of extra detail, coolant header tanks, fuel tanks, front space frame, wiring and plumbing etc. I used my trusty razor saw to remove the rear deck and the small opening on the 'bonnet' I decided to leave the doors in place.
Problem is when I made up the hinges to re attach the rear deck they need so much offset (to allow the deck to swing up) that they cut into the rear bulkhead window ( and look a bit agricultural).
The original car had plain hinges surface mounted on the roof but recreating these in 1/24?????? well you know what I mean. Any body out there solved this problem in past life?

Oh and by the way, I already know I shouldn't have removed the deck in the first place?

02-11-2005, 03:11 PM
Lemme look at my kit when I get home and I'll see if I have any ideas for you.

02-11-2005, 03:39 PM
Sakatsu make a set of white metal hinges which are functional and look like the real thing in scale.

I suggest getting some if you can.

02-12-2005, 09:41 PM
I believe the Studio 27 photoetch plate has functioning hinges also.

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