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Boy, it's quiet here

02-10-2005, 10:58 AM
:rolleyes: Ah, well. I do have a Chilton's for the 88-95 5th Ave., Imperial, LeBaronblah blah, Eagle. Any ?'s, be glad to thumb through it for ya. :smokin:

BTW, the Dodge Monaco for the Eagle years is good alternate parts-swap car for the Eagle. Engines are almost identical, harnesses, heater-cores, etc., bolt-in replace for the Eagles you rarely find in the yards anymore. :banghead:

02-15-2005, 01:27 AM
that's because those cars are now cans of coke and pepsi that we all drink out of! If you find a Dodge Monaco/Eagle Premier, don't keep it unless you want to run a parts store. Yeah, it is pretty quiet in here, amazing what happens to a car company that died over 8 years ago; no one even noticed like when Geo was phased out.

02-15-2005, 05:38 PM
yeah, but my '89 Premier is still running good, except it going to be worse finding salvage parts than it was. I have three yards in my general area, all had [one still does] Eagles, but they so stripped out, nada useful to me anymore, sigh.

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