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Help! Hit and Run Pieces

01-17-2005, 03:20 PM
I need some help. My friends Mitsubishi Galant got nailed last night and I've found some pieces of the perp's vehicle I was wondering if anybody could help me identify the vehicle they belong to.
There were some numbers on it: Cav1 and the end of a partial: 7D781-A

For some reason I cant get the friggin picture to work but if you put in the url it should take you there.

The damage missed the hubcap of the galant so I'm assuming suv or truck, plus it moved the Galant about four feet.
I would appreciate any information you can provide.
Thanks A Lot!

I changed the link, hopefully it works. Now we're thinking that its the step pad off the top of a rear bumper.

01-23-2005, 02:16 PM
I couldn't get that link to work

01-23-2005, 02:40 PM
i can't see it either

01-23-2005, 07:27 PM
it's funny I just saw a show on how to do this. describe the part left behind. a photo would be more usefull. if its a headlight lens piece as much as you can together also was there any paint left behind? if so then you know the color of the car. you need to start contacting manufacturers tell them what part it is. and that you think it may be an suv or truck. they should be able to find the part make model and generation, the date it was made on. if you have enough of the id. this will take a while because you dont know the make of the vehicle. so expect to call a lot of places. in a few weeks they may be able to give you a list of which vehicles rolled out of the factory with that part number, and which dealerships they went to. this is where the paint comes in, it will narrow down the list.
when you have your list take it down to the dmv and see of the cars are registered in your area. there may be a charge for this. or the police may be able to get this information for you. which is why you should have filed a police report. then its just a matter of tracking down the owner.
now I may have left some steps out. but this should give you a general Idea on how to track down the car.

01-24-2005, 06:34 PM
I think i saw that same show. They said broken lights are the best because you can track the numbers on it. (or somethin like that) But maybe thats for the cops.

01-24-2005, 11:52 PM
yeah it was on court tv I think. they also use it to track stolen parts

01-27-2005, 11:53 AM
I changed the link let me know if it works

01-27-2005, 11:55 AM
Yeah the cops havent done jack. thats why we thought we would go for a little vigilante justice, but we need to find out what kind of vehicle did it before we can do anything. Thanks for the input

01-27-2005, 10:35 PM
I strongly suggest you reconsider taking the law into your own hands. you never know who your messing with.
im sure the cops are doing what they can but remember they do have lots of other cases to work on. if you do find out who did it why not let the cops take it from there. instead of messing with someone you dont even know. there are a lot of sick bastards out there. They may come after you or your family. And dont think your untouchable and the ultimate badass. no one is untouchable. and there are plenty of badasses in hospitals and jailcells. crap like this only escalates into somthing neither of you can handle, and for what? something that can be solved with a few hours in a body shop. dont forget what happens if your caught. youll spend more money on bail and fines than what it would have costed to get the car fixed. ok now lets say your lucky and get away with it. what if he files a police report and the cops later find out that he was the one who hit your friends car. you are now the prime suspect in his case. you still end up in handcuffs.
now im not some goody two shoes who's all about obeying the law. a few years back I had a mechanic screw me over. I got pissed tracked him down and put him in the hospital. didn't think anyone saw me, I was wrong the cops showed up at my door a few days later and slapped some cuffs on me. by the time I was done paying damages I could have had enough money for a brand new car.
so take it from somone who's been there, if you find out who did it. let the cops handle it. he'll pay for what he did and you'll keep you're own ass out of some very hot water.

01-30-2005, 10:47 AM
I appreciate your advice and I know you are probably right. I know the cops have more important things to attend to thats why I am doing the detective work for them and all they have to do is take the pieces to the guys house, match the pieces to the vehicle, and arrest him, maybe kick him in the nuts too. However, my detective skills seem to be somewhat lacking, so I must confide in the amazing knowledge of all of you automotive masters out there.


01-30-2005, 04:26 PM
Looks like the bedliner of an Avalanche to me. The arrow shaped part that sticks up is what i'm goin on

01-30-2005, 11:12 PM
check the local body shops. he may have been stupid enough to take it to one of them, or looking for the broken part. it's a long shot but it's worth a try.

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