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orthographic view

01-17-2005, 11:58 AM
where i can download orthographic car drawing ?

01-17-2005, 03:53 PM
uhh- what's orthographic mean?

01-17-2005, 04:13 PM
you can get those here (http://www.google.com)

01-22-2005, 12:36 AM
Hyperdictionary says...
Orthographic - of or relating to or expressed in orthography
Orthography - a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols


http://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/drawdex.htm -
There is a whole section on how to draw them here.
"Orthographic Projection is a way of drawing an object from different directions. Usually a front, side and plan view are drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed to a stage whereby it is almost ready to manufacture.

IMPORTANT: There are two ways of drawing in orthographic - First Angle and Third Angle. They differ only in the position of the plan, front and side views. Below is an example of first angle projection."

Do you mean the blueprints of the cars?

Sites for car blueprints...

This is the best I can find. Hope it helps

02-02-2005, 01:16 PM
Thanks a lot! :smile:
these an awesome info's!
I've been looking for these for a month at the net.
i use The ortho's for 3d modelling.
It help me a lot.
whats ur major?
I've been studying car design in otodidak ways, do u have any advice for me???

Hyperdictionary says...
Orthographic - of or relating to or expressed in orthography
Orthography - a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols


http://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/drawdex.htm -
There is a whole section on how to draw them here.
"Orthographic Projection is a way of drawing an object from different directions. Usually a front, side and plan view are drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed to a stage whereby it is almost ready to manufacture.

IMPORTANT: There are two ways of drawing in orthographic - First Angle and Third Angle. They differ only in the position of the plan, front and side views. Below is an example of first angle projection."

Do you mean the blueprints of the cars?

Sites for car blueprints...

This is the best I can find. Hope it helps

02-03-2005, 03:01 AM
Glad I could help you.

This site appears to be good for blueprints and stuff. Plus tuts on 3D Moddeling.

No major. Yet. Only 15.

So there's not really much advice I can give you. Keep practising.

Do you design concept cars like futuristic or other stuff? Email me if you want skribble.designs@gmail.com

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