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drove a new SRX for a week! Here is my review

12-24-2004, 12:45 PM
I put my Yukon in the shop for some repairs at my favorite dealership , Arnold Palmer Cadillac. They gave me a new SRX loaner to drive. Here is my take on it on a scale from 1-10.

1) Handling - 8 - Not bad, it cornered well for it's body design.

2) Performance - 8 - Not bad either however, For being advertised at 325 hp it felt a little de-tuned compared to my wifes '97 Eldorado ETC with only 300 ponies. My so's car could easily run circles around it.

3) Braking - 9 - Good braking characteristics. One of it's stronger points.

4) Fuel Mileage - 6 - It didn't get the fuel mileage I'm use to in the so's car. I averaged about 17-18 mpg and the so's averages about 21-22 mpg. I drove the SRX in the same manner as my ETC (excluding a few blasts).

5) Comfort - 7 - Could be improved, I liked the layout but felt restricted somewhat. This could be due to the fact I'm use to driving my Yukon.

6) Road Noise- 6 - Thought is was a little loud for a Cadillac.

7) Sound System - 6 - It was O.K. nothing to really brag about.

That averages out to a 7.1 in my opinion. I would not pay the sticker price of $49.900 though.

I'f they offered to give it to me and I had to keep it in exchange for my '99 Yukon..... I'd keep the Yukon..

Make no mistake I'm not flaming Cadillac as I (errr, my wife) am on my 2nd Eldorado and think they were both fine cars. I've owned SUV's a Blazer ('81) and Yukons ('92&'99) since the mid eighties (before they were cool) and may have grown accustomed to their roominess.

01-09-2005, 10:09 PM
Hmm, your the first person I've heard to give the SRX a bad review. When an import biased automotive magazine says the SRX is Luxury SUV of the year than it must be great. The Stereo is rated as a top 10 radio in a edmunds review. Its been praised for its performance and handling and also for the quiteness. Sounds like you need to stick with your SUV.

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