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Easy to follow, plain speaking help

11-06-2004, 02:32 PM
I,ve never worked on a motor for more years than I care to remember, BUT, now needs must !

Ive got a 1990 Ford Granada Scorpio, 2ltr. EFI.
Started spluttering a few weeks ago and just got steadily worse until now she wont start at all. Thaught at first that it was a lack of fuel getting tho but the filter is clean and fuel getting to the injecters OK .

Could it be the spark plugs ?? and if so how on earth do you get to them to get them out !!! They seem to be well hidden behind the intake manifold :mad:

Keep it simple please and be patient :confused:

Thanks Alan

11-22-2004, 12:20 PM
My suggestion is that you take your car to a mechanic and let him do the troubleshooting. if you haven't got a clue what you're doing, you should just leave well enough alone, before you break something.

C. Cleve
02-20-2006, 07:30 AM
Hi, Al.....Leave it alone, take it to a competent tech, Advice from a retired ford tech.....GOOD LUCK....Clay

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