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oil leak 98 tracker

09-20-2004, 06:42 PM
Good Day All,
i am new to this forum but i hope someone can give me some info or point me in the right direction.
the problem i have is that my tracker has developed an oil leak right around what i am being told is the crank sensor in the oil pan. At first we thought the oil pan gasket was gone so i had that replaced and now the leak is still there. It sure does appear that the oil is leaking thru this sensor somewhere but the garage told me there is no oil up where this sensor goes. but when i look at where the 2 wires go into the sensor you can see oil there.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it is possible for oil to leak out of that sensor or point me in the right direction.

1995 geo tracker
09-21-2004, 08:37 AM
if the sensor you are talking about is in the oil pan then it is most likely an oil level sensor and if oil is leaking out of it then you are going to have to replace it

09-25-2004, 08:05 AM
Thanks but it appear that its the crank sensor and everything is dry when you take the sensor out. I am starting to think that its the crank seal behind the timing belt.
anyone else with any suggestions

10-20-2004, 10:06 PM
It appears as though it has been about a month sense you last posted.

I was wondering if you ever figured out what the problem was.

We have a 96 Tracker here, and it has been leaking oil out of the front oil seal at the crank.

So far, we haven't been able to get it to stop leaking. Even after changing the oil pump, and trying I think 8 different seals.

While searching junk yards for parts I talked to quite a few people that said that style motor had a real problem with that, but they all had a different explanation for what was causing it to do so. I've heard of a few other people with the problem as well, but no fix for it yet.

Just wondering if you heard anything.

10-31-2004, 04:24 PM
I have this problem too, I am replaceing the seal tomorrow and will post if it works.
After reading these post I think I will look for some type of dressing for the seal maybe teflon pipe paste.
The old seal I took out was really brittle from overheating and I noticed pitting on to the end of the crank so I smoothed that as to keep the new seal from tearing when it is put on.

11-04-2004, 07:52 AM
it was the seal, had to do it twice :(
the first seal was a hard fit and it poured oil out,
the 2nd one was a victor and slipped right in with a little push,
It works great

11-06-2011, 10:26 AM
I have a 98 tracker and have replaced the valve cover, oil pan, and crankshaft seal as well as the plate it goes inthat fits around the crank end. Now it doesn't leak. There wasn't a gasket behind the seal plate at all! But now all is well....

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