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Repo Auctions

08-29-2004, 12:29 PM
Hey, Ive been seeing these sites on the internet where you can get information on repo car auctions. Are these sites rip offs and you can really just find out the information for free? If so, how can you do this? I live in Connecticut and I am looking for car so I thought that this may be a good place to get it. Do they really have all of the cars they say they do for so cheap? Thanks for any info on this whole repo auction thing.

08-30-2004, 06:41 AM
Technically, I wouldn't say these are ripoff sites but in most cases you could find the information yourself once you know how and where to look. A lot of people label the as ripoff because they find the auctions themselves. It just depends on if you want to pay someone to do the investigative work or you want to learn how to do it yourself- which will take time and learning.

At one time, these auctions were goldmines because they were local or the word spread thru word of mouth and only the insiders knew. Now, with the communications on the internet, more and more people can find out easily and there are lots of buyers for few cars making the prices go up and good deals few. People who put on these auctions also know that they can get higher $$ with more publicity.

Our local Sheriffs department was keenly aware of this and a recent siezure auction brought more for the cars than individuals could have purchased them thru private sellers.

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