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Ever felt Hurt, torn up, undecidable thoughts?

02-04-2002, 06:15 PM
Thats exactly how i feel right now :cry: :cry:

Okay, lets see starting off with this.

1. My friends are supposedly hooking me for a blind date sometime soon. Have I seen the girl no. I have clues to her looks, but other then that, I'm pretty damn clueless. So, this is the undecidable part.

2. Okay, seeing as I don't want to be around family any longer, I'm thinking about packing my bags, and transfering to another college, some where on the west coast. Meaning, Cali or something else. Even If i have to be paying back loans for transfering out there, I don't care. I WANT OUT. I'm seriously thinking about transfering. It seems in my best intrests. I've looked over it. This is the Torn part.

3. I'm hurt, well, its just hard to put in words.

Above all, everything would be so much better if I transfer out of here to a different college.

:( :( :( :(

Racing Rice
02-04-2002, 06:22 PM
1.) What the hell.. Give it a try what do you have to lose. If anything else Itll make for an interesting night. If shes nasty just get out before you do something stupid..!!;) :D

2.) If you can do it without any strings attached and that whats you want then go for it.

3.) Sorry to hear about it.. Hope things get better.:right: :D

02-04-2002, 08:50 PM
I know your need to get "out" but honestly be careful.

I did get "out" of PA only to find the misery of the Midwest awaiting me... :o

Know and feel for what you want. Good luck on whatever you choose.

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