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Never even heard of it . . .

05-15-2001, 11:58 AM
Import Car . . . ?

What's the format, focus, etc.?

06-06-2001, 11:46 PM
Format: Import cars.
Focus: Import Cars.

By the look of the number of post's.

Subscribers: 0

:D I think I saw it on the rack once, but it look really thin and cheesy. More of a Rice boy cook book.

I did a search on www.google.com and came up with this.

Morpheus XIII
02-28-2002, 06:56 AM
I've never heard of or seen the rag from that link, but I have heard of Import Tuner, the other tuner publication from Primedia besides Turbo and Sport Compact Car. I actually enjoy Import Tuner more than than Stupid Street, since 2NR is a dedicated show car magazine. They tend to stick to the simple basics when it comes to the tech articles, and focus on the populated scene (most of which is detestable, yet still intriguing). SS always seems to make a failing attempt at being something they are not--important. This can especially be seen on the mail pages.

Morpheus XIII
02-28-2002, 06:57 AM
I've never heard of or seen the rag from that link, but I have heard of Import Tuner, the other tuner publication from Primedia besides Turbo and Sport Compact Car. I actually enjoy Import Tuner more than than Stupid Street, since 2NR is a dedicated show car magazine. They tend to stick to the simple basics when it comes to the tech articles, and focus on the populated scene (most of which is detestable, yet still intriguing). SS always seems to make a failing attempt at being something they are not--important. This can especially be seen on the mail pages.

What makes it worse now is that Stupid Street has joined up with Primedia. Ugh.

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