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VOTE!!! who's the biggest post whore on AF

05-14-2001, 12:27 AM
Who ever gets the most votes will get the new title of post whore underneath there name :D let the voting begin and no body from Florida can count these votes either :hehehe:

05-14-2001, 12:56 AM
i would definitly have to say porsche :D he's REALLY the only post whore on AF hehehe

05-14-2001, 01:09 AM
This is gonna be interesting seeing as how I was nominated. HHMMMM, I wonder what prizes they offer? Ahh, who gives a shit.:finger:

05-14-2001, 03:56 AM
The pize of $500 will be paid by GOD to you, Enjoy.

primera man
05-14-2001, 04:31 AM
LOL....I have never really taken much notice till now.
I cant beleive it now i have checked......YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF POST WHORE'S :D :D :D

05-14-2001, 04:40 AM
You joined the same time I did and you have 3X the post so who is the Post Whore of kiwi land. :D

primera man
05-14-2001, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by GTO-TT/Chev57
You joined the same time I did and you have 3X the post so who is the Post Whore of kiwi land. :D

HAHAHA....That well teach me for having 3 weeks off from work :D
Guess you can tell what i done for most of it !!!

05-14-2001, 08:19 AM
......and if you nominate me, READ MY LIPS......NO..........NEW...........TAXES!:finger:

05-14-2001, 11:56 AM
opps sorry i didnt mean to make two threads on the same thing sorry guys :(

primera man
05-14-2001, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by DVSNCYNIKL
READ MY LIPS......NO..........NEW...........TAXES!:finger:

you have my vote with that !!

05-15-2001, 05:18 PM
I may be considered to be a whore, but don't be fooled. I just like to give my insight to as many threads that I can. :D

05-15-2001, 05:23 PM
Believe it or not, that's really what I'd like to be doing . . .

I just felt the need to make a statement of sorts and branch out . . .

It does get slow around here at times . . . I just wanted to pick up the pace, if only for myslef . . .

Then I got challenged . . . blame Igor!

PS . . . I'd like to win the vote . . . but I don't like the title . . . give it to Porsche!

05-15-2001, 05:36 PM
I agree. I'm working my ass off trying to get more people to sign up to this board. I said I would promote, and I am keeping my word. I feel that this is a great site with lots of potential. We just need time is all, and I guarantee you, things will change.

05-19-2001, 03:45 AM
What's a post whore....


Lizard King
05-19-2001, 08:32 AM
Someone who posts a hell of a lot of messages.

05-19-2001, 12:02 PM
With little or no meaning like this one.

Lizard King
05-19-2001, 01:45 PM
I don't think they have to have no meaning. Do they?

05-19-2001, 09:22 PM

05-20-2001, 03:21 AM
Hmmm, I need a "sarcastic question" smily.

;) PW's unite!!!!

01-29-2002, 10:48 PM
Not I!

01-29-2002, 10:54 PM

01-29-2002, 10:54 PM

01-29-2002, 10:55 PM

01-29-2002, 10:55 PM

01-29-2002, 10:56 PM
wang wang!

RevHappy CowgirlŪ
01-29-2002, 11:14 PM
wow, a really old thread :D

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