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05-06-2004, 02:26 PM
I am trying to buy my first supercar, I have two 1984 Countach´s to see this month.
Everyone I have seen advertised always say´s "new clutch fitted" even when they have only done about 6000 miles !!
Is this a problem with the car or the driver ?

Like the Ferrari does the Countach have the timing belts that need replacing every 5 miles !!

Look forward to being a regular member.

05-07-2004, 11:08 AM
I think is is kind of both really, if you try too many wheel spins off the lights it won't do the clutch much good, its better to get the car rolling, release the clutch then floor it obviously this isnt as fast as just flooring it at biting point. The power of the engine also contributes to the problem. Remember buying a supercar is one thing maintaing it costs just as much!!!

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