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91 Mazda 626 Cranks But Wont start

04-26-2004, 09:37 AM
I was working on my vehicle and I Unbolted the air flow meter at the screws instead of unplugging it. When I was all done I put everything back together the car ran but it ran rough when I put pressure on top of the AFM The Car Died I then Removed the black cover and noticed that I pulled some of the wires loose. I then tried to solder then back together sealed the top back up but then after that it wouldn't start so I went to a wrecking yard got another on and now all it does is crank over and dies instantly. If any one can help me please do so.

1995 geo tracker
04-26-2004, 12:12 PM
i think you might have got another bad sensor , you can try cleaning it and see if it helps , heres a link http://www.geocities.com/adamk01452/MAF2.html

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