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do i need service manual to replace window motor?

03-20-2004, 09:50 PM
got 95 v6 3.4 5spd. is it a pain or is it pretty obvious, simple unhook-replace-rehook type of deal? any pointers/do's/dont's? it's on passenger side.

03-21-2004, 12:46 AM
I just had mine done, i took off the door etc but soon found that it requires a special tool (or tools) that i don't have... so i took it to a pro just like that and he charged me $30.

04-09-2004, 11:14 PM
Hey, I just put a new driver side window motor in my 94 v6 3.4 and it wasnt horrible. if you can get a mecanic to do it for $30 then that is definately the way to go. If you cant tho you have to drill out the 4 mounting rivets, take out the two tracks, the little short horizontal one and the curved vertical one, and you can get it out pretty easily. be careful when you take the motor off of the roller arms tho because of the spring. Its like a f-in bear trap if you dont. the motor was like $60 and it took probobly 4 or 5 hours total to get everything put back together and stuff. oh yeah, and it works good if you use a strip of duct tape to hold the window up. hope this all helps some one

04-09-2004, 11:33 PM
Here is a link to installation instructions but I think if you get a decent price on a install just let someone else take care of it.

04-10-2004, 09:11 PM
be careful when you take the motor off of the roller arms tho because of the spring. Its like a f-in bear trap if you dont

wish someone told me that before I changed my motor

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