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I thought this was funny

02-09-2004, 08:38 AM
I thought this was kinda funny. I was watching the John Hansen Project on Spike t.v. and he was at the LA car show. One of the segments he was siting in a Rainier with the seat back and the Voice command on the Rainier was couinciling him through his life problems :iceslolan . I thought it was funny.

02-12-2004, 12:31 AM
but did he understand :grinno:

02-12-2004, 09:45 AM
One of the segments he was siting in a Rainier with the seat back and the Voice command on the Rainier was couinciling him through his life problems :iceslolan . I thought it was funny.
Could you imagine if:
1. The Voice Command got so bored with this guy's life that IT fell asleep:evillol:, or
2. Tiger Woods (as Buick Sports celeb) was in there describing HIS life problems. "I'm a tall, decent looking, incredibly rich guy, getting paid awesome amounts of money to do something most guys have to pay to do. I'm engaged to one of the hottest babes on the planet with a twin sister." :rofl:


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