The introduction to the AAC
12-30-2001, 02:49 AM
"AAC" stands for Adavanced Activity Concept. This vehicle come stock with a 313 hp V-10 deisel. Talk about some power. Better yet in truck is basicly a sadan with a bed. A very nice sadan at that. No key to turn, that would be too "old skool". Instead let's just put in the electric key into the upper part dash board and then press a button. Yes that's correct push button egnition. Better yet you'll never get lost with the 7 inch navagation screen. I like the cooler box in the cab to keep your favorite beverages cold. I think this truck sounds pretty good I wonder how much miles it gets to the gallon?
08-26-2003, 07:03 PM
I think its a really nice car and everything, but the statistic with transexuals and VW's scare me. :uhoh:
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