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Ultimate Car Alarm System

01-27-2004, 06:31 PM
I've been doing alot of research lately about what is the best stuff outhere and I ran into this guy the other day and he told me he had this alarm system that was 2-way and he could start or turn off his car from a range of 800 Feet in his Civic. The alarm he had was a Code Alarm but I was'nt sure what model it was so...

Does anyone know what is the best Code Alarm with all the features is?
With a webpage too.


01-28-2004, 05:32 PM
I've been doing alot of research lately about what is the best stuff outhere and I ran into this guy the other day and he told me he had this alarm system that was 2-way and he could start or turn off his car from a range of 800 Feet in his Civic. The alarm he had was a Code Alarm but I was'nt sure what model it was so...

Does anyone know what is the best Code Alarm with all the features is?
With a webpage too.


Some installers love Code Alarm but I hated it and eventually dropped it. I carry DEI stuff. Take a look www.directed.com

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