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Jay Leno in a Miura!

12-29-2003, 08:19 PM
Four of us are cruising down the 405 freeway in my sister's Saturn. She is driving, and my cousin & I are sitting in the back... trying to talk her friend into buying a nice sports car. Somehow we get on the topic of Lamborghini. My cousin casually says "I'm waiting to see what that orange car is up ahead". I couldn't see it at first, so I just figured another Honda... BDF & kept talking.

A few seconds later, I glance over again & see that its a Lamborghini Miura!!! I roll down the window & give the driver a thumbs up, when to my surprise its Jay Leno at the wheel!!! How badazz is that?! A real car enthusiast, in his Lambo, while we were on the subject of Lambos!!!

12-30-2003, 06:59 PM
and where are camera phones when you need them ???

cool story :sunglasse

12-31-2003, 03:27 AM
that's sounds cool, Jay Leno has a lot of collection of cars.

01-09-2004, 08:13 PM
that's sounds cool, Jay Leno has a lot of collection of cars.
I think Matchbox has come out with a collector series of his cars and the Miura is one of them.

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