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Remote Keyless Entry

12-18-2001, 10:29 AM
I have a 1995 Oldsmobile Eighty Eight that I bought used. Found out from a dealership that I have a factory installed keyless system, but the original owner did not turn in the remote fobs when traded the car. Recently, I bought some remotes from ebay, but I dont know how to program them. I have called dealerships and was told it will cost $35+ to program. I would prefer to program myself. Someone in another thread said it cost $300+ to program, but I have heard from others that is very simple and takes about five minutes to program. Anyone have any directions?

Chris Luongo
11-11-2002, 12:07 AM
Here are some instructions for a '90-92 Trofeo; they may or may not work on your car: http://home.thezone.net/~trofeo/toronado/tororke.htm

Otherwise, go on eBay and get a factory GM service manual for your car---they seem to go for around $35, often less. You'll have a wonderful manual for working on the rest of your car, and it also has RKE programming instructions.

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