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I have parts for 92 300ES

11-26-2003, 10:27 PM
What do you need

11-29-2003, 11:57 AM
Needing the hood and right headlight assembly

11-30-2003, 05:03 AM
Needing the hood and right headlight assembly
I do have lights is that driver or passenger side. i have the hood too but i know it has bend in it. Send me your email and i will send picture. Do you know what a fare price would be for these items. Im not in the part business, just trying to recoupe some money from the car our daughter wrecked ( Liability only ) Do you need anything else. the driverside and rear end is very bad, but front end and passegerside is good and interior.. Let me know Mike my email is MT4556@aol.com Im in St. Louis

01-06-2004, 05:37 AM
I need the button(yep, just that little button on the key) for the keyless entry. The system works, but the previous owner managed to break the button somehow.

02-27-2004, 03:31 AM
someone jacked my gas cap haha, send me an email if u have a cap madmadrid@cox.net

03-06-2004, 09:12 AM
I have a key I would be able to to share with you they say you can program it to your car let me know the fcc# you need

03-24-2004, 05:21 PM
How's the cond. of the engine? also, how many miles? Is Antena in-tact? Trunk-CD 6-Changer (is that even on 92?)

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