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The Murci get it's revenge . . .

11-18-2003, 08:34 AM
If you remember the first Top Gear test of the Murcielago it was a bit dissappointing. Well here is the second go round and car performs way above average.


11-18-2003, 12:11 PM
So why the sudden change of heart?

11-18-2003, 01:25 PM
So why the sudden change of heart?

No change of heart for me, it is a Lambo and I loved it from day. Just glad it shows what it can do in this video. But for Top Gear magazine, they always loved it but they felt it could be faster around their test loop. Well what do you know. The Murci put down a faster lap time than every car including the Zonda, Konigsegg, GT3, M3CSL, etc.

The Gallardo did not do to bad either, two good vids check them out.

11-18-2003, 03:11 PM
Amazing video, just makes me want to drive one. I'm glad to see it on top, but aren't the Zonda and the Koenigsegg actually faster cars?

11-18-2003, 05:05 PM
Amazing video, just makes me want to drive one. I'm glad to see it on top, but aren't the Zonda and the Koenigsegg actually faster cars?

Yeah, I would say so. They are both much lighter. Zonda is a few bhp down on the Lambo but has a lot more torque. The "segg" has a lot more of everything.

I would imagine both being faster in the hands of a "normal" person. We have seen the difference in acceleration between the Zonda and Murcielago. You cannot get around the Lambo's weight.

11-18-2003, 06:58 PM
nice, only a fighter jet is faster!what about the mclaren what place was it?

11-18-2003, 07:37 PM
yes... the murci may have beaten the lap times of the Zonda and koenigsegg but once again this all depends on driver etc.. and as the murci had a bad time the first go around ..the same can apply to these two..they may have not done their best..even if it was fairly good

11-18-2003, 07:57 PM
yes... the murci may have beaten the lap times of the Zonda and koenigsegg but once again this all depends on driver etc.. and as the murci had a bad time the first go around ..the same can apply to these two..they may have not done their best..even if it was fairly good

I have a feeling that the Zonda if run again will again be the fastest. It is a pretty well sorted car. I don't know if the "segg" could do it again, it does not seem to be able put its enourmous power to ground 100%.

11-18-2003, 10:25 PM
Nice video. It shows what the Murcilago is really capable of. Does anyone have a video of the Murci on the wet track? I would like to compair the two.

11-19-2003, 01:24 AM

Oh yeah.. I love this car. :jump3:

11-22-2003, 08:08 PM
Did it beat the XTR2


11-22-2003, 08:18 PM

Zonda vs. Murcielago


11-23-2003, 02:08 PM
Yea, thats a good video Raven. On a side note, the XTR2 is pretty bad ass for how small it is.

11-23-2003, 07:49 PM
Yea, thats a good video Raven. On a side note, the XTR2 is pretty bad ass for how small it is.

Yes it is a pretty cool call. Unforntuntely, Europe has a lot of these little light weight, small displacement cars that are not legal over here. Like the Radical, it was track car of the year a couple years back.

Carrera GT
11-30-2003, 06:42 AM
Were the Zonda/Koenigsegg tested in the wet, or were they driven on the same dry track as the Murci had?

BTW - great video

12-01-2003, 09:01 AM
:nono: I don’t know…this test seems like it is heavily reliant on the driver, and not so much the car. Looking at this test, it seems a bit rash to label the winner the “world’s” fastest car. I mean, even if they used the same driver for all the cars, who is to say that certain drivers don’t do better in certain cars? The only way I could see this test being legit is if they took the BEST driver from every car and had them drive their particular cars around the course. For example, a guy who loves Porsches and races a Ferrari is probably not going to out drive a guy in a Ferrari who lives and breathes Ferraris. Know what I mean? And did they take the jet figher around these turns as well? I don't get the jet fighter comparison at all.

Lambo Maniac
12-01-2003, 08:07 PM
hmm.i thought jeremey said in the video that the zonda had a lap time faster than the murci by 6 seconds...who says murci is faster?

12-01-2003, 08:43 PM
I really don't rate these topgear tests at all. They're very fun to watch but you can't take them too seriously.

06-03-2004, 03:17 PM
the first lambo test was in the wet. the second in the dry. the first time they had the lambo it was raining so they decided that they would use a wet track for all the testing. turns out that wetting downa track is a little harder then they thought and they ended up with puddles all over not just a wet track. so they scratched the idea and tested the zonda and the other cars on a dry track...wonder why they went faster. anyway when they brought the murcielago back to run it in the dry it was faster then all the other cars. yes it wieghs more but the lambo has far superior handleing. and this shows up on a race course. so yes the zonda can beat it in a straight line(even though they launched it like a girl) but on the track it shines above the rest. unless you have a enzo but then you could have 2 or 3 lambos for that price

06-03-2004, 05:08 PM
so yes the zonda can beat it in a straight line(even though they launched it like a girl) but on the track it shines above the rest.

:iagree: They did launch the Murciélago in that video really badly. The reason is because they are afraid of ruining the clutch by putting too much strain on it in an AWD vehicle.

I don't know why they are so worried. At launch, not enough power goes to the front wheels to damage the clutch anyway.

I'm sure most of us are familier with the video of the black Murciélago doing an insanly quick start and smoking the tires. (The noise it makes is awsome.)

06-03-2004, 06:05 PM
yeah sounds like a jet its on www.carpassion.com

06-04-2004, 10:42 AM
i think i have watched the video a hundred times.

06-04-2004, 09:20 PM
Just incase some of you haven't seen the video, you can watch it by clicking on this link:


06-11-2004, 05:54 PM
Yeah, I saw that first Top Gear vid, and I saw how they started it, and how he explained that he didn't want to fry the clutch. But, in the carpassion.com video--I think his name was Niko--totally burned out taking off. I always wondered about that.

Presumably the difference between a voyeur--the tv commentator not wanting to ruin the car--and an owner who wants to play with his toy!

06-14-2004, 08:49 AM
di it is the diffrence between someone that knows how to drive a lamborghini and someone who does not. you never see balboni take off like that.

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