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Scoupe transmission shift problems

10-24-2003, 11:35 PM
I have a scoupe that would not shift. I put in a computer, and other parts and got it shift some, but it will not shift from 2nd into 3rd. Has any one had this problem and if so what did you do to fix this? If anyone has any suggestions, or has heard of any body speak of this problem, tell me what they do to correct this.

12-15-2003, 07:32 PM
I have a scoupe that would not shift. I put in a computer, and other parts and got it shift some, but it will not shift from 2nd into 3rd. Has any one had this problem and if so what did you do to fix this? If anyone has any suggestions, or has heard of any body speak of this problem, tell me what they do to correct this.
:banghead: i have a 94 scoupe and it had a similar problem it wouldnt shift right almost like the tranny was shot.. but i didnt get some info on it and there is a tranny fuse once i replaced it it was like a new car again try that :smokin:

12-16-2003, 01:14 AM
if that doesnt work, head over to www.hyundaiperformance.com

they are scoupe geniouses!!!

11-19-2005, 11:19 AM
if that doesnt work, head over to www.hyundaiperformance.com

they are scoupe geniouses!!!

I visited that site, and there was nothing in there about Scoupe... could you be more specific... pls..?

11-19-2005, 11:23 AM
:banghead: i have a 94 scoupe and it had a similar problem it wouldnt shift right almost like the tranny was shot.. but i didnt get some info on it and there is a tranny fuse once i replaced it it was like a new car again try that :smokin:

Am just having that problem now..... Can you please share us the solution you had......? will appreciate very much.

12-07-2005, 07:29 PM
if that doesnt work, head over to www.hyundaiperformance.com (http://www.hyundaiperformance.com)

they are scoupe geniouses!!!Besides HP, (which btw, does have a scoupe (http://hyundaiperformance.com/forums/forum.php?f=1) section) there is also the Yahoo SCoupe group (http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/hyundaiscoupeownersclub/messages)and the SCoupe (http://www.hyundai-forums.com/f32-scoupe-forum.htm) section over at Hyundai-Forums. Now if you do find your answer, please come back and post them here.

TS out

12-07-2005, 09:19 PM
lol, two years ago man. ;)

06-11-2006, 05:34 AM
hey if any one needs a 94 scoupe auto tranny i have one in great condition.my friends timing belt just went her car and belt valves.so i am parting with car if you need any other parts just get in touch with me.im in nj.

will ship any where as long as buyer pays shipping

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