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Peter Morgan Deceased

10-23-2003, 07:43 AM
Peter H.G. Morgan 1919 - 2003

Malvern, England, Tuesday 21st October 2003

Peter H. G. Morgan passed away yesterday following a brief illness.
His wife Heather and other members of the family were with him. He was a few days from his 84th birthday.

Peter Morgan, known affectionately to all in the Morgan world simply as ‘PM’ was involved in every aspect of the origin and development of the legendary Morgan marque from 1950 onwards. He worked side by side with the founder of the Company, his father, H.F S. Morgan, from a very young age, firstly at the old Factory and then at its present site on Pickersleigh Road, Malvern Link, England.

PM took over the company reins with his father's passing in 1959 and ran the company with legendary kindness and charm until he turned over operational responsibility to his son Charles in 1999. He continued to chair the Board, and visited the factory on a daily basis until just a few days before his death.

Often acknowledged as a perfect English gentleman, Peter Morgan was full of unbridled enthusiasm for life and for the cars his family builds. He will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him, and by many thousands of motoring enthusiasts whose lives have been enhanced by Morgan sports cars.

Arrangements for the funeral and tributes will be announced shortly.


Press enquires to David Dowse, Transmission, tel +44(0)1285 659571 email david.dowse@transmissionpr.co.uk

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