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Sex Positions?

10-06-2003, 10:06 PM
I'm new to this forum and i've just recently purchased a 1993 MR2 turbo. Now i love my car and all but how can a man have sex in the goddamn thing????? So i started asking around but it seems that no one has ever had sex in a MR2 before. Now my question for you guys is has anyone ever had sex in the damn thing or attempted, gimme ideas or anything that you think can work, cuz to have a car that gets the girls and not be able to get ass SUCKS!

10-06-2003, 10:11 PM
lol what the hell? isnt it better to post this in off topics forum or some other place?

10-06-2003, 10:15 PM
dude what the hell? :eek7: isnt there a place to post these things maybe?

hey i figure you guys would know, and where can i post these things ?
didnt you ever wonder?

10-07-2003, 08:06 AM
Yes it is possible.

The British MR2 page used to have a clothed pictorial "how to" do it in an MR2.

10-07-2003, 08:22 PM
okay well MAYBE if you're this tiny asian man with a tiny asian girl you MIGHT pull it off....

For me there are two reasons not to try it:

1. My NEX racing seats look uninviting, and painful.

2. It's a disgrace to the car, no way I'm getting manjuice on the interior!

Concluded. :D

10-07-2003, 10:12 PM
okay well MAYBE if you're this tiny asian man with a tiny asian girl you MIGHT pull it off....

For me there are two reasons not to try it:

1. My NEX racing seats look uninviting, and painful.

2. It's a disgrace to the car, no way I'm getting manjuice on the interior!

Concluded. :D

hmm okay so you think asians are small do ya? dont make me give u a black eye with mine!!! hahaha j/k
i guess you're right about the uninviting part but what about those days that you just gotta get some???

10-07-2003, 10:53 PM
to tell u the truth i have never thought of having sex in a mr2...but did u really have to put it in the forum?? im sure u could have figured something out lol

10-08-2003, 03:03 PM
to tell u the truth i have never thought of having sex in a mr2...but did u really have to put it in the forum?? im sure u could have figured something out lol

I know its a bit off topic but i thought it wouldve been fun to talk about something thats related to the car, but just a bit different. I mean everyone talks about mods and yada yada yada... i just thought it wouldve been funny to see the kinds of feedback i would get.
just a lil humor

10-08-2003, 10:23 PM
i know how to fix your problem...


derrr! :naughty:

10-08-2003, 10:28 PM
Geeez, I can't remember the last time I had sex in a car.....

10-08-2003, 10:29 PM
i know how to fix your problem...


derrr! :naughty:

Or get a bigger car :biggrin:

02-05-2004, 11:22 PM
yes it is possible... although I would not recommend it... TO DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!... i would not try it again in the car... as said earlier....


02-06-2004, 02:51 PM
Buy a cheaper car....like a old civic, and go get an apartment. If your only pulling ass because of the MR2, you need a different approach! Also, if you want it bad enough, you can do it anywhere.

02-07-2004, 01:22 AM
Buy a cheaper car....like a old civic, and go get an apartment. If your only pulling ass because of the MR2, you need a different approach! Also, if you want it bad enough, you can do it anywhere.

wow i didnt think this post would be brought back up again. however to your response quick. Lets just say you were in this situation, you have a girl in your car,making out after a party and you have no $$$ left on you and its raining outside, your parents are home and so is hers... WHAT DO YOU DO? keep in mind that shes quite attractive and you simply didnt have any since ... well a long time. And on top of all that you both are pretty buzzed from a night of drinking and its a no strings attached situation. I'd say you'd probably would hafta know a way to have this engagement comfortably in a 2 seater which in my opinion is very hard. This sort of situation is not really what you would call unlikely ,cuz it can happen to all of us. I know i got a lil specific but hey, the reason i asked was because i wanted to see who has done this almost impossible mission.

02-07-2004, 10:58 AM
u do it in the rain! ;)

ah yes.... and bad us about reviving a dead post...

02-08-2004, 03:53 AM
i cant imagine myself doing it ni the cold rain man.
i just can't. oh sweet agony!

02-08-2004, 12:26 PM
oh.... cold rain (rain gets cold??) our annual 5 day alotment is almost never cold... oh well, sorry... get a car trailer. lol

02-08-2004, 12:50 PM
Well where are you from, cuz in NYC rain can get pretty cold man.
But anyways i just wanted to see who has done it in a mr2 not everywhere else BUT a mr2. lol

02-10-2004, 07:06 PM

This is an awesome thread. :biggrin:

Get a blanket, drive out into the country, and lay it out on the grass...

02-11-2004, 12:08 AM
the key word is "in" a MR2, although on the grass dont sound too bad either, something like ehhh "how do you say.... roemaantique" :iceslolan

02-11-2004, 01:31 PM
It's possible. I don't recommend it. but I didn't have racing seats. I just took the passenger side top off and that gave us enough room. :smokin:

02-11-2004, 11:52 PM
YES! i have one reply with an informative way of getting it on in your mr2. I can finally die happy :biggrin:
Now i will release you all from this god forsaken thread. :lol:

02-19-2004, 05:05 PM
Well to add one more good response...

My bro told me the same thing. Took off the passenger t-top and got busy. When he told me this I had to try too! Anyways, with the t-top on... I would guess you would have to try and reclyne the passenger seat and try and get some room.

03-03-2004, 03:33 PM
omg, u want an answer? here it is.

have her sit on the center horizontally, legs out the passenger window, u on your knees on the passenger seat facing the driver side window, and go to town.


09-27-2006, 09:07 PM
:naughty: Hi if you really wanna no how to have sex in a MR2 e-mail me at mandi69l@yahoo.com. Trust me it can b hard!!

09-28-2006, 06:13 PM
uh... closed.

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