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Where are they located worldwide?

McLaren F1 Guy
09-07-2003, 02:30 PM
I'm dyin to see one of these, they're one of the most exotic looking things on four wheels.

09-21-2003, 06:02 PM
I spotted one in Germany,in a museum in Sinsheim.
It's probably the only one in Europe!!!

pics are included here: http://community.webshots.com/user/onlysupercars

10-06-2003, 02:02 PM
I spotted one in Germany,in a museum in Sinsheim.
It's probably the only one in Europe!!!

pics are included here: http://community.webshots.com/user/onlysupercars

That's a UK Jersey island, (where, incidentally i believe there is a 30 mph blanket speed limit), registration and nationality badge on the rear!

I had no idea there was ever a Vector W8 in the UK...

I think i'm right in saying there's a couple in Germany, possibly other than the car shown above.

10-06-2003, 05:40 PM
That's a UK Jersey island, (where, incidentally i believe there is a 30 mph blanket speed limit), registration and nationality badge on the rear!

I had no idea there was ever a Vector W8 in the UK...

I think i'm right in saying there's a couple in Germany, possibly other than the car shown above.

Yes, the one I pictured is in Germany.
But I don't believe there is another one in Europe though.

I'd love to see the M12 as well!!

10-07-2003, 02:29 AM
"...I don't believe there is another one in Europe though."

This is so frustrating, because i know i read that there were definitely 2 in Germany, 1 in Japan and the rest in the States, out of a total of 17 chassis built, (http://www.vectoraeromotiveclub.com/thecars/w8.htm); can't find the info any more tho'...typical :rolleyes:

Have you tried:


There is loads of info there on Vectors; the site has only been running since the early part of this year, it costs nothing to join, and is very well run.

By the way, the one you photographed is chassis no.007

10-26-2003, 02:46 AM
Right now there are only three W8´s in Europe, two being located in Germany, (007blue,017black) one in Switzerland (008(1990, black)).
One W8 is in Saudi Arabia (011,red), one in Japan (013(1991), black).
All other Vectors (W2, W8, WX3, M12, SRV8) are in the US.
For more info check out ´my VECTORfiles website: www.drive.to/vector
feel free to contact me if you need more info: vector@drive.to

10-26-2003, 08:23 AM

Could you please tell me where the blue Vector is located exactly in germany?

The black one is in Sinsheim, and I photographed it.

I'd like to take pics of that blue one too!!

Thanks in advance!

Patrick T.

10-26-2003, 07:05 PM
believe it or not- the 007 W8 in Sinsheim is the blue car. Compare my pics on my VECTORfiles website (www.drive.to/vector). It is a very very dark blue. Even in bright sunlight it is hard to tell the real color of the car.

10-27-2003, 03:17 AM
I really thought that was black!

But then: Where is the "real" black one in Germany?

10-27-2003, 08:54 AM
The black W8-017 is not on public display. Actually the W8-007 is the only VECTOR worldwide that is in an open place. All other VECTOR are hiddden in collections etc.

10-27-2003, 04:50 PM
well that shouldnt be a subject for me.
Do you know who owns it? which place?

10-28-2003, 01:59 AM
Yes, I have seen all then European based W8´s. There are only four W8´s (out of 17) that I have not seen in person yet and I have personally driven a few of them . I know where they all are.
The 007 W8 is the only one on public display.

10-28-2003, 02:55 AM
yes, but cant you tell me exactly where the other 2 are in Europe!?

I'd like to take pics of those 2 also!

03-18-2005, 01:45 PM
Heres a pic I found in this car-spotting site....http://exoticspotter.com/list.php?page=0&batch=bt00010/bt00010_1520.jpg&model=79&make=34&location=all

http://images5.theimagehosting.com/VectorW8_1.jpg (http://www.theimagehosting.com)

NO! I'M NOT IN THE PICTURE! It's some french guy who took this pic on October 15 2004 while in Japan. The licence plate is japanese so this is obviously the single Vector W8 located in that country as mentioned earlier. What luck!

03-19-2005, 01:53 PM
Heres a pic I found in this car-spotting site....http://exoticspotter.com/list.php?page=0&batch=bt00010/bt00010_1520.jpg&model=79&make=34&location=all

NO! I'M NOT IN THE PICTURE! It's some french guy who took this pic on October 15 2004 while in Japan. The licence plate is japanese so this is obviously the single Vector W8 located in that country as mentioned earlier. What luck!

No wonder he had this luck. I put him in contact with the owner before he started his trip. After his arrival in Japan he was lucky enough to be offered a 170 mph ride in a W8 !!

08-21-2009, 03:26 PM
There was a white w8 in Southern California. I know the man who owned it.

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