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Video: Anti-Tree Huggers Crappy Schawb tires.

11-27-2001, 02:25 AM
Can't even get traction on the grass. .... (1.2 meg QT 5)

video (http://www.xterra4x4.com/images/bin/video/stuckongrass.mov)

11-27-2001, 03:25 AM
Would you believe there is a green Xterra under all that mud? I think that is how crappy my Grabbers where the first time I went to Rimrock with you guys! Here is the X one day old!

11-27-2001, 05:21 AM
I am just curious that if the traction were that bad, how the truck got so dirty? Did somebody douche him or what? :D

11-27-2001, 12:21 PM
Ben doesn't clean his truck much. :cool:

Actually what happened is he had just dropped the other side into a ditch and he was sitting on his frame with the driver tires barely in the air. Thus the tires just spun on the grass. I had to bypass the trail to give him a tug from the front.

Those Les Schwab tires are pretty useless in snow and mud. They just don't clean themselves at all.

11-27-2001, 01:08 PM
what is this clean you are talking about?

I really want to see the pivot steer if you can find it


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