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SMIC w/ SR20s?

07-24-2003, 04:35 PM
I read somewhere that jspec silvas and 180sx had SMIC on there SR20s is this true and if so how come no one uses SMIC when the do the swap if the car is pretty much the same?

07-24-2003, 05:56 PM
the SMIC is a TOTAL bitch to instal and is tiny.

Lotsa ppl use the SMIC, just most upgrade to an FMIC when swapping.

07-24-2003, 07:14 PM
yessss...i see now..

07-24-2003, 07:54 PM
Lol. Its just theres MILES of piping to contend with...too bad you dont have that instructional vid Ive been goin on about.

Its a total pain in the ass.

J SPEC SilEighty
07-24-2003, 07:59 PM
yeah you can still use the smic like dorikin said. i dont think i'd rely on it much higher than stock boost though. a fmic will get A LOT more air than the smic ever will.

07-25-2003, 08:33 AM
also the smic are often damaged on these cars when they pull the motor out and\or ship the car..


07-25-2003, 08:39 AM
yep I hear if you want anything over stock boost you need a front mount IC.........

07-25-2003, 09:07 AM
whatever u do, dont go get a TMIC from a rnn14. those things are aptly named the "interwarmers" cause they get hot from sitting on top of the engine and its basically a whole 1 degree colder than the air that would have went in the intake anyways (not really 1 degree, but not very good for a IC)

i heard for the swap u gotta cut away at the back of the bumper to get the smic to function properly here in USDM models.

if u live in toronto, any cop that sees any type of FMIC gets a seizure and starts labelling u with street racing charges and shit like that.. because they have the "right" to do so.

and if bill 241 gets passed.. we're dead.
i might go with the smic, but have a couple of pipes in the front route to the smic to help airflow, or else imma have to paint my FMIC flat black.

07-25-2003, 09:08 AM
put some mesh in front of it or something so its not so flashy

07-25-2003, 09:21 AM
yeah that might work, but i think mesh makes it look like someone stuck a sheet a drywall support into ur bumper. but i guess if thats what it takes....well u know the rest.

but lemme tell u a little story..

one day, a friend of a friend of mine was driving his ford probe along a major intersection (7 and keele, if u live in toronto) and a cop pulled him over and said (in the hickiest hick accent of all hickness) .. "mind poppin the hood for me there son, i'd like to see your turbo."
so probe man said "ok, but u'll be disappointed when u dont find a turbo. this is rediculous"
so pig pulls out notepad and starts writign down shit like "ummm hmmm, air intake..., exhaust,... - tell me son, how do u enjoy TURBO"
and then probe man stopped him and said "listen u fool, i have no fuckin turbo..."
and then the cop slapped him with a $500 ticket and said "well, u can tell that to court, and they'll decide what to do with your TURBO"
and i havent heard what has happened since then, but for sure that guys insurance went up, cause my friends insurance went up on a speeding ticket for going 65km in a 60km zone :rolleyes: .. (really it was 83km, but the cop knocked it down)

and i believe he said it was because of that mesh infront of his car, cause the civic kiddies do it all the time.

07-25-2003, 01:58 PM
That can EASILY be fought in court. Get a ford mechanic to testify that his car doesnt have a turbo.

Honestly, even an SR20 swap can be held up in court. You needed a new engine, and its a direct OEM replacment.

As long as you have your AIV valve, and rrun a vaccum line from the intake, and something else(cant remember exactly what), it will pass driveclean.

This is why I plan on doing a sleeper. Bill 241 wont pass though, its far too ambiguous, and there will be an election soon.

My mom could be thrown in jail since her CRV has alloy wheels, and theyre used in racing...

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