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Whose the biggest Post whore on AF ????

03-25-2001, 10:27 PM
I would definitly have to give my vote to Porsche :p Look how many post the man has ....im not saying its a bad thing all that i am saying is that your a post whore

03-26-2001, 12:14 PM
So what. I'm proud of what I do. I'm not even half of some of the mods though. Enzo is at like 630 and your a 430. I think I'm just most frequent civilan post whore. Also after I left CF, I've been on here more often. As long as you don't make this out to be bad thing, I'm fine. :flipa:

03-26-2001, 12:16 PM
Sorry for being a whore again but look at Carforums, it's only been around like two years and some guys have over 6000 posts. It averages out to 10 posts a day for some.

03-26-2001, 01:59 PM
I have a few posts.

03-26-2001, 03:04 PM
I gor is a little post whore:) Who has the most posts per day?

Lizard King
03-26-2001, 03:28 PM
Why mention Porsche when you have close to twice as many posts as him? :confused:


03-26-2001, 06:57 PM
I figure it's one of these reason.

1. He's pointing out the obvious

2. He giving his opinion

3. He's being an Ass. :flipa:

Frankly, I don't care, I'm not even close to Igor or Enzo and I've gianed lots of knowledge from asking questions.

03-26-2001, 07:31 PM
Guys this was meant to be a fun thing ....i think you took it the wrong way :) I'm not saying its a bad thing hell like it when u post . So dont get upset ......ok ;) and for you lizardking .......just stay out of it ;)

03-28-2001, 10:51 PM
iono i would say me lol.. i have been on this board for exactly 3 days now and i have almost 100 posts lol.. i sit here in class at school and right when i get home :)....:finger:

03-28-2001, 10:54 PM
3 days and 100 posts. god you are a whore. lol

03-28-2001, 10:58 PM
damn man you sound like my girlfriend :).. hehe yeah i hit 100 tonight actually.. hey i see you around EVERYWHERE too hehe..

03-29-2001, 05:15 PM
That Guy "Smoke" is. Man, he posts "_______________ vs eclipse gs" for about a million different cars. Haha

03-29-2001, 05:21 PM
100 Posts in three days! Wow, even I'm not that bad, school is a good time to post though. :D

03-30-2001, 12:07 AM
hehe well i dont known im always online and everytime i say im going to get off i hear a mail thingy that someone has responded cause i have written in so many different topics and always put mail notification lol.. i also just like helpin peeps! ;)

03-30-2001, 12:49 PM
Damn you have ALOT of downtime!

03-30-2001, 02:50 PM
with three advanced placement classes anyone does lol.. but i actually get out more than it seems :)

03-30-2001, 06:54 PM
i seem to post a lot when i'm at work. i have internet connection there so i can post all day if i wanted.

03-30-2001, 10:06 PM
i would have to agree ...theirs a new post whore Lakemountlude ...;) only 3 days ...damn!!! but its all good im happy acutally the :D its good to help others out and help the board out too . And about that smoke fellow on the eclipse forums posting eclipse 90vs .....viper ....i swear hes starting to actually get on my nerve ...i actually thought about banning him but im a nice moderator so i didnt even though he post the stupidest crap on AF ....i mean atleast you guys post interesting topics he just post up eclipse rs stick vs mommys mini van ...and damn its annoying :rolleyes:

03-30-2001, 11:26 PM
I just sent down there and straightened out SMOKE with all of his eclipse versus........:finger: HAHA sucka

03-30-2001, 11:35 PM
haha yeah he was startin to get to me too i didnt feel like wasting my fingers energy on him haha.. MAN EVERYWHERE I GO THEY CALL ME A WHORE :( hehehe j/k.... yeah this place rules i love postin here!

04-03-2001, 11:08 AM
wow i have allot of posting to do then!!!!:D

04-03-2001, 12:09 PM
A. Posting ain't a race, if you consider it a race, you got problems and lots of posting to do.
B. I think I'm currently the only member not moderator with 300+ posts. I'll defend my title.

04-03-2001, 02:11 PM
i post just cause i like talkin and discussing things (as you guys might have noticed in the 'evolution' thread ;)... but i also like helpin people.. tie those things in with 85 words per minute and you see why i have soo many :)..

04-03-2001, 05:18 PM
Makes sense. I guess you could just discuss stuff with others on here too.

04-03-2001, 05:27 PM
Each and everyone of yall are WHORES!!!!!!!!!!! Now except it and MOVE on ...u damn WHORES:D i think this will be like 499 or 500 ..time to bust out tha keg and partyhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/cwm/cwm/buck.gif

04-03-2001, 05:31 PM
Happy 500th post! God that sounds bad. :(

04-03-2001, 08:07 PM
woohoo!! keg... now your talkin!! hehe.... 500 not bad!

04-03-2001, 08:16 PM
thanks guys :D but i think some of my peers might think im a post whore on AF but i dont care ...b/c i am and thats it so whos got the TAP ? hehehehe http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/updrampage/drinker!.gif

04-16-2001, 12:40 AM
I'll get you one if I can have my fair share. And this is my feeble attemp to catch up some to the competition in posts. But really, I don't think of it as a race. It's just good clean fun.

04-16-2001, 12:54 AM
Well, in my opinion, Porsche is a close second to the undisputed post whore slut queen, our own GOD(@af). Hey, for a long time the top three posters were igor, enzo, and myself. You two have both dethroned me, putting me into the number five slot of total posts.

Yes, it is not a race, but the amount of posting you two do qualifies you both as first class post whores in my book.

04-16-2001, 09:36 PM
Wow i feel so special thanks guys i think a tear is coming:( ......I guess i am all of the above that JD called me hehehe my mission on AF is to catch up to IGOR hehehee actually to keep a distance between me and porsche b/c hes catching up with me and i cant let some little insignificant humanbeing catch up to the GREAT GOD@AF:rolleyes:

04-16-2001, 10:02 PM
I used to average 5 a day, now I'm about 10 a day. The past 2 evenings though....man! I had about 60 posts in 8 hours. I love holidays :D

04-29-2001, 01:50 AM
who will take this new titlehttp://livefetishgirls.com/miked/postWhore.jpg

04-29-2001, 01:36 PM
Ya Heep, like two weeks ago you were at 259, I was off for two days and when I come back, you're at 471!

04-29-2001, 05:38 PM
hmmm.... I guess I better get posting. :smoker2:

04-29-2001, 06:20 PM
All my friends think im a whore now, so i guess throwing in teh word "post" before it would be like being knighted? Then i accept, call me "Post Whore John"

04-29-2001, 07:32 PM
Yeah, Porsche, I've been quite the whore lately :D

04-29-2001, 08:34 PM
hey post whore jon lol ;) that is what im gonna call u from now on .k :hehehe:

04-29-2001, 08:38 PM
Hey man i got no problem being a post whore, just trying to educate and entertain you fools.

04-30-2001, 12:20 AM
hey john ..kris saids this is actually picture of you ......is that tru http://livefetishgirls.com/miked/postWhore.jpg:finger:

04-30-2001, 12:24 AM
What you dont like my caddie hat? No even i dont look THAT stupid. But if you did see a picture of me GOD the first thing you would think of is of course....POST WHORE!

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