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Programming Remotes for 93-95 & 96-99 PA

07-14-2003, 09:54 PM
1996 to 1999 Buick Park Ave.

Before entering the programming mode, verify the possession of all of the transmitters you will be using on the vehicle. Once you program the transmitter, the memory erases. The other transmitters will not be functional until you program the transmitters again. You may program up to 4 transmitters.

Perform the following procedure or use a scan tool when adding new transmitters or replacing failed transmitters:

1 Turn OFF the ignition switch.
2 Use a fused jumper wire in order to connect the data link connector terminal 8 (BLK/WHT) to terminal 4 (BLK).
3 Close all of the doors.
4 Turn ON the ignition switch. The door will cycle to lock.
5 Press and hold the following buttons on one of the transmitters for 30 second:
After a 30 second delay, the doors will lock and unlock.

Do not turn OFF the ignition. If the switch is turned OFF, the first transmitter becomes inoperative.

In order to program extra transmitters, repeat Step 5.
Disconnect the fused jumper wire from the data link connector (DLC).

Use the same pic of the connector from the above post.

2000 to 2004 Buick Park Ave.

You need to use a scan tool to program.

10-31-2006, 10:28 PM
Just a note that the keyless remote for 93-96
is exactly the same as a LeSabre..

Check out the forum under LeSabre of those years...HERE (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=154750)

Good Luck

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