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Aoshima Toyota Celica LB 1978

06-25-2024, 02:15 AM
This is my finished Aoshima Toyota Celica LB 1978 (kit #049198). Paint is Model Master Turquoise Green over Tamiya TS-50 Mica Blue. The use of the blue undercoat was suggested by a family member with a graphic design background as an attempt to bring out the richness of the green suggested by the rattle-can lid. The thickness of the lacquer paint meant the blue did not permeate even the first coat of green, however, so the end result is almost like a metallic pastel; if such a thing exists.

The model was built out of the box. This is an update / reissue of an old motorised kit, so the details are not great; especially the suspension and chassis. I decided not the install the very chrome front and rear bumpers as I liked to look of the bumper delete. The kit box-art and instructions also called for chromed front and rear light clusters, but I went with other versions in the kit that I painted Tamiya Champagne Gold for accent against the green. The wheel spokes are also Champagne Gold.



07-17-2024, 05:43 PM
How much did you buy it for? Judging by the level of detail, it's pretty expensive.

07-19-2024, 12:49 AM
The kit is a re-release of an old motorised model, so it is not actually super detailed; especially in terms of the chassis and suspension. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was ~$45AUD about three years ago. Looks like it is still available for around this price now.

08-01-2024, 04:55 PM
The kit is a re-release of an old motorised model, so it is not actually super detailed; especially in terms of the chassis and suspension. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was ~$45AUD about three years ago. Looks like it is still available for around this price now.

You can, but quite difficult, it costs 50 or more now.

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