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VW Beetle 2008 - How do you remove the old plug from the windshield nozzles?

05-26-2024, 02:29 PM
I have a 2008 VW New beetle that seems to have heated wiper nozzles. I cannot get the pluh out frm the socket on the old nozzles to reple them. Is there a catch to this?
Also, it there an easy way to remove the hoze Seems very stiff (I may have pucntured it trying to pull it off.)
I have seen some video where there is a clip, but mine just has the hose straight to the nozzles. I may need to try some heat, but getting a hair dryer to the location is not easy...


05-26-2024, 03:13 PM
Ok, after more digging under the hood, I found that the actaul plug is about 4 inches into the hood, and not on the nozzle!
It also looks like I did puncture the hose, and that there may have been other leaks as there are pinholes in places I did not touch. It looks like there is a hoze connexcttor about the same place as the wire connector is, but I cannot find a part number for this lille peice of hose that has theconnector. Is there a part number for this connector? or this short hose assmebly?
Thanks in advance!

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