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New Member Dave

Dave Witkowski
06-06-2022, 10:51 PM
Help. I removed the subframe from my Jaguar 2004 XJ8 (first year aluminum body) for repairs. There isn't any alignment pins to put it back unto when installing. I never seen anything like it, this one really has me scratching my head. The bolts are about 12mm(.464) the holes in the bushings are about 22mm(.878). If I just bolt it up it could be off .400 in any direction - front to back -side to side - diagonal. It has to be more accurate than that. I understand there are suppose to be alignment holes in the frame that accept some sort of alignment pin. Which holes what sort of pin I'd just be guessing. Could someone please explain how to accurately install/align the rear subframe, or guide me to a post that covers this.
Thanx much, Dave

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