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Can anyone help

Terry Lindsey
10-26-2020, 11:07 AM
I just bought a 1980 Ford Granada ghia with the 302 v8
I was just looking under the hood you know just looking around and I see there's a vacuum hose with a screw in it coming from the egr valve that's not supposed be like that right? So If I take the screw out where does the vacuum hose hooked to so I can hook it back up car running funny has a bad miss until it warms up good then no miss

10-27-2020, 07:19 AM
If memory serves right, there was a fitting coming out the side of the air cleaner that it hooked to. They might have changed out the air cleaner and put in one without the fitting. Or you might see a hole in the side of the air cleaner where that fitting is supposed to be. Or it could be there and just not hooked up. I remember doing similar, putting a screw in that hose, but couldn't begin to remember the reason why. Hope this helps.

10-27-2020, 07:25 AM
If memory serves right, there was a fitting coming out the side of the air cleaner that it hooked to. They might have changed out the air cleaner and put in one without the fitting. Or you might see a hole in the side of the air cleaner where that fitting is supposed to be. Or it could be there and just not hooked up. I remember doing similar, putting a screw in that hose, but couldn't begin to remember the reason why. Hope this helps.

10-27-2020, 07:27 AM
Now I remember. Bad EGR valve was making the vacuum suck oil into the air cleaner.

Terry Lindsey
11-12-2020, 07:30 AM
Yea your right they plugged it off because it was bad thanks for the reply

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