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Question regarding Marlboro sponsored McLarens

Seamus McRae
07-13-2019, 09:20 AM
G'day all

In the detail set Beemax supply for their MP4/2, the car numbers & sponsor flashes for the winglets are a darker red. Can any of the F1 guys in here who may have seen any of the Marlboro MP4 cars confirm whether the car numbers are fluoro like the other red parts of the car or the darker red? For some reason I recall reading somewhere around the web they weren't, but I'm not 100% on that.


07-14-2019, 10:37 AM
I saw some McLaren cars in person. Most of the numbers were a darker red. Some darker than others. Some of the chevrons were similar to the body colour and some weren't. I wouldn't worry too much if they matched the body colour or not to be honest..

Seamus McRae
07-15-2019, 12:27 AM
I saw some McLaren cars in person. Most of the numbers were a darker red. Some darker than others. Some of the chevrons were similar to the body colour and some weren't. I wouldn't worry too much if they matched the body colour or not to be honest..

Thanks Steve

07-20-2019, 05:33 AM
With all due respect I disagree with Steve.
I've seen various Marlboro liveried McLarens up close ( usually at Goodwood ).
It's true that the fluorescent red of the numbers/chevrons and larger body surfaces doesn't completely match. This is probably down to the smaller bits being stickers and the larger areas being painted and not matching exactly from the get go or ageing differently. The McLaren owned cars are suspect anyway, because they all have been repainted and stickers removed.
The difference between the fluorescent red shades is small though ( like RAL3024 vs RAL 3026... i checked that :-) It's not like fluorescent red vs Ferrari road car red.
The intention of the McLaren paint job clearly was for all red areas to match and i would try to build it like that.
I can't have a look at the Beemax decals right now but i will check them and see how they compare when i get back home.

Seamus McRae
08-01-2019, 09:51 PM
With all due respect I disagree with Steve.
I've seen various Marlboro liveried McLarens up close ( usually at Goodwood ).
It's true that the fluorescent red of the numbers/chevrons and larger body surfaces doesn't completely match. This is probably down to the smaller bits being stickers and the larger areas being painted and not matching exactly from the get go or ageing differently. The McLaren owned cars are suspect anyway, because they all have been repainted and stickers removed.
The difference between the fluorescent red shades is small though ( like RAL3024 vs RAL 3026... i checked that :-) It's not like fluorescent red vs Ferrari road car red.
The intention of the McLaren paint job clearly was for all red areas to match and i would try to build it like that.
I can't have a look at the Beemax decals right now but i will check them and see how they compare when i get back home.
Thanks JayKay
I went back to your MP4/4 super build (which has no ending 😔) & read one of your posts there regarding the nose numbers & other chevrons being a slightly different shade of the fluoro red than the body colour.
Potentially I may use the kit decals as a template against the kit fluoro decals or the generic Hasegawa fluoro decal sheet I have - as a point of difference

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