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Molding putty?

10-15-2018, 04:52 PM
I'm looking for a product that I could make parts out of without casting resin. Something that I could possibly mix, press into the mold, and have it cure to a hard state.

Also, looking for a similar product to make molds out of. Must cure to a hard shell, so I can press the above putty into the mold.

I know these products exist (saw on Japanese forums), but I can't read Japanese, and have not seen the names/boxes - so if anyone can help me with the name or source for something like that - please let me know.

Couple of pictures for reference what I'm talking about:


10-15-2018, 07:51 PM
Have you tried google translate on your phone? I read Fujimi and Hasegawa instructions all the time with it - works great.

10-15-2018, 08:35 PM
That stuff is called "Oyumaru". It is available via Amazon. Do a google search for that name and you'll get plenty of results, including YouTube videos showing how it's used.


10-15-2018, 10:47 PM
Thanks Cameron, that's it.

10-16-2018, 03:07 AM
I just use 2 part silicone mould material.

Search for Silicone food safe mould putty on flea bay or Google. It's great stuff. Comes in 2 parts (blue and white) and you mix them and press over the part. Within a short time you have a nice flexible mould. Don't move it before it's fully cured and cooled though or it will distort a little.

10-16-2018, 10:01 AM
I just use 2 part silicone mould material.

Search for Silicone food safe mould putty on flea bay or Google. It's great stuff. Comes in 2 parts (blue and white) and you mix them and press over the part. Within a short time you have a nice flexible mould. Don't move it before it's fully cured and cooled though or it will distort a little.

Yeah, that's the problem, I need a very rigid, not flexible mold.
I have silicone and resins, but need something I can hand-press 2-part epoxy putty into. Oyumaru should do just fine.

10-16-2018, 03:54 PM
I have loads of these. I can probably send you some.

You just drop the stick into hot water and let it soften, and then press it onto something you want to take a mold of. Once it is cooled you can use it for resin mold. You can knead several sticks into a larger piece and once you are done with the mold, you can drop it into hot water and reuse it.

10-16-2018, 06:25 PM
Blue stuff is similar to Oyumaru but is slightly stiffer when cold. Look on ebay or any War Gamers site.

10-16-2018, 06:43 PM
Just ordered some Oyumaru off Amazon. Thanks guys.

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