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2011 Buick LaCrosse CXL V6 - New Engine Needed

06-10-2018, 12:05 PM
Hello all,

I am in need of guidance regarding my 2011 Buick LaCrosse. I am having engine issues most likely due to my procrastination in changing the oil. I took it to Midas, since they have always been good to me, and they tore the motor down to diagnose the issue. They said the camshaft is having issues and basically it would be cheaper to go ahead and replace the motor. They quoted me $1,500 or so in labor and the cheapest replacement engine is around $4k. All in I will be paying around $6,200 after tax to replace the engine.

The car is in great condition as I inherited it from my grandfather a few years ago. It has about 63,000 miles on it. Naturally, I am weighing my options. Do I sell it as is by myself or possibly to a used dealer, replace the motor, or go get a second opinion on the install/diagnosis?

The car is valued around $10k with a running motor. I do not want a car note. I am leaning towards selling it as is for maybe $2k or $4k and then putting a few thousand towards a reliable used car, like a Honda or something, hopefully. I feel like the $6,200 is not worth it.

Anyways, I am curious of other people's thought process or experience around this matter. I appreciate any advice offered. Thanks so much in advance!

- Michael

06-10-2018, 09:36 PM
With a bad engine you will be lucky to get $1500 for it.

That generation of Lacrosse had known issues for oil change intervals. Regardless of that oil changes are important.

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