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stalling caprice

02-25-2018, 03:26 AM
Hey people I have 1992 Chevy Caprice LTZ 5.0 liter V-8....the car starts right up and runs fine for 25 minutes and then stalls out and won't start again....the next day it starts right up again with no problem and again runs fine for 25 minutes and then stalls out and won't start......anyone else have this problem ??? I don't even know where to begin to look for the problem....any help would be appreciated.....:runaround:.....

Blue Bowtie
02-25-2018, 09:17 AM
I'll guess that this is the TBI engine, correct?

Two items to check are the ignition system and fuel pressure. If there is no fuel pressure, nothing is going to happen. If there are no ignition reference pulses, there will be no spark, and there will also be no injector pulses since the system depends on the ignition system for fuel injector timing.

After it stalls immediately check for spark. If there is good healthy spark at the plugs, check out the fuel system.

j cAT
03-01-2018, 03:17 PM
92 has the TBI fuel pressure test is good idea but can be a PITA... since it starts good cold then it dies after it gets hot I would replace the ICM and the ignition coil also remove the distributor cap and if its messed up with arcing wear replace cap/rotor...

coils even if with low miles will fail the the ICM gets damaged from the arcing..

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