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2007 Compass Transmission Problem?

02-15-2018, 08:25 PM
I have a 2007 Compass that has developed an issue with, I think, the transmission.

My father in law normally drives the car and told me today it wouldn't go over about 30mph and struggled to get there. I drove the car and noticed it. I also noticed the check engine light was on. On a lark, I disconnected the battery and took the car for a drive. It drove fine.

We drove it about 8 miles to the store. When we came out and left it was doing it again. I pulled over, disconnected the battery and all was fine again.

I haven't driven it again tonight, but I suspect it will act up again.

Is this a transmission issue or possibly a computer issue?

I also noticed the headlights acting strange. They would not turn off unless I turned the switch on and then back off. That got me to thinking maybe it was the computer.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!


03-18-2018, 07:44 AM
Go to Auto Zone or Advanced Auto and get a free ECU scan post the codes. As I use my own scanner I'm not sure what capabilities their scanner has. But it's free it's a good place to start.
You can call a few transmission shops and get a quote on a scan.
Get one with a good reputation.
If you know what you need G7 computer repair. They repair about all items on a jeep for $200.00 if mailed to them as it's the same unit it doesn't need reprogrammed.

03-29-2018, 04:26 PM
Car started acting up again today and I was able to get a code. I have a U1146 code.

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