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Headlights won't work

10-27-2017, 08:34 PM
Hello, I have a 2005 Stratus. Both of my headlights stopped working. My parking lights work though. The headlights are combined high/low beam so I replaced one of them to see if that was the problem, it wasn't. I replaced the #10 fuses in the interior fuse box. I tried the headlights, no, they didn't work. Under the hood, I noticed that that #40 fuse for headlights is missing. So, I went to the auto parts store and bought one...as I'm buying it I'm thinking who the heck stole my fuse? They'd have to go into my car, pull the hood lever, open the hood and then open the fuse box and then steal a fuse, all without being seen. Why? Anyway, I put the #40 fuse in and the headlights work! BUT, the parking lights were flashing on and off and the interior of my car had a constant clicking. It was like the car was having a breakdown.Then I tried to start my car and no go. It wouldn't turn over. I pulled the #40 fuse out and the car started right up but no headlights! What is going on here? Do any of you know what the problem could be? I'm at a loss.

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