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Drifting Transit MK7 with V8 engine from BMW M5

02-24-2017, 04:00 PM
In rallycross track in Thorn, in Poland had place winter suspension test in DRIFT BUS (Ford Transit mk7) with V8 engine from BMW M5.
Mounted hub by TRATEO (rising brand in the premium class automotive components) to verify their strength.
Behind the wheel of this high-performance car sat the European Drifting Champion Maciej Polody.

Link to video on YOUTUBE: HERE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUauMwgcaHM)
Link to post on blog with more information and extended video: HERE (www.transitcenter.uk/blog.php/id/26)

What do you think? Music is terrible but transit with V8 engine?! SWeet mother of vans!

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