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scale motorports c7r super detail set

02-19-2017, 10:02 PM
Scale Motorsports super detail set on the way .Just ordered one .http://www.scalemotorsport.com/kits/super-detail-kits/c7r-super-detail-kit.html

03-06-2017, 01:52 AM
Let us know when the trankit arrived.

"... turned aluminum wheels, 3D printed brake discs, photoetch details and the proper decal livery sheet ..." for 155$ ?!?!

Thats rather much IMO ...

Hemi Killer
03-06-2017, 07:29 PM
Let us know when the trankit arrived.

"... turned aluminum wheels, 3D printed brake discs, photoetch details and the proper decal livery sheet ..." for 155$ ?!?!

Thats rather much IMO ...

It includes the actual kit as well.

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