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o/d light coming on

09-28-2015, 09:57 PM
My daughters car is an 06 Mercury Mariner v6 all wheel drive. The O/D off light has started coming on while it is driven at extended freeway speeds. If the car is shut off for a time the light will not come on until it has been at freeway speed for a time. She has been driving it around town and to work and the light has not come on. The fluid seem to be filled correctly. Can anyone tell me what the situation making the light come on would be? Might this be a common Mariner problem? Thanks Dan

09-29-2015, 02:38 AM
Does it actually shift out of overdrive, or does the light just come on?

09-29-2015, 05:47 PM
My daughter tells me that the light just came on. She said she didn't feel the car come out of overdrive. She has since driven it on the freeway and the light has not come back on.

09-29-2015, 09:55 PM
Maybe there's a loose connection to a switch or sensor somewhere, maybe it was a fluke. If the transmission itself isn't acting up, it's probably isn't too serious. It may be worth looking into, but it doesn't sound super urgent, especially if it just sort of went away on it's own.

09-30-2015, 10:19 AM
That is kinda what I was thinking. Just thought it would be good to ask. This is a very helpful site. You never know when someone will come on with an obvious but not so obvious solution. I will help her keep an eye on it. Thanks

10-25-2015, 02:51 PM
Back again for an update. The O/D light is flashing and the car is dropping out of gear and will not move. If you wait a period of time it will go into gear and get to about 20 mph about 5 hundred yards or so and kick back out of gear. All the research I can find leads me to rebuilding or replacing the transmission. Anyone know of something that can be done with the junk CD4E transmission ford made? I finally got a scanner to check. It gave me a code P1715 Shift Solenoid #2 Malfunction. Anyone tell me if this can be easily repaired?

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