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1972 LeMans carb

07-13-2015, 01:24 PM
My 72 LeMans will run real good when first started go a few miles mybe ten shut it off wate 15-20 mins and it runs like crap!! It will take ges very slowly but if you put your foot into it its almost like starving for gas?? Bogs down no passing gear pops a little??? The carb is new 650 dule line edelbrock tuned by old hippi.he don't no what's wrong wit it rather,any help wood be great!!!!! Thanks:screwy:

Tech II
07-13-2015, 02:06 PM
Yeah, only the "real" old timers knew how to "tune" a carb.....

Is it running lean? Give it a quick shot of carb cleaner into the throttle body to see if it clears up.....or close the opening of the choke to see if it starts to run better while revving...make sure the filter in the carb has not picked up some crap from the tank....


Mine was a dark green hard top, two door, no faux top, 350, 2 barrel, auto, black interior.....nice little car....

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