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Overview of the GMC Terrain

06-08-2015, 11:44 AM
Hi Everyone,
I truly hope everyone else out there whose bought one of these SUV's has had better luck then me. I purchased my Terrain back in 2010. Styling and ride was perfect and I was so happy and excited when I bought it. That love didn't last long as it didn't take long before I had issues.

My dislike for the vehicle is part due to the level of service I get from my dealership. The office people are great but the technicians need to better understand the vehicles. You would think they should be better trained and due the appropriate tests and checks before just swapping out parts at my expense.

The story first starts with a common problem of horrible oil consumption and rattling in the engine every time I started the SUV, constantly having to put oil every week. This issues persisted for years never being fixed properly and ended up having to replace 4 timing chains and other related parts. 3 Timing chains, you don’t even have to change a belt that often. This problem led to expensive wear issues in the internals of the motor. By the forth out was out of warranty and furious with the fact that this is the 4th time which has proven it still hasn’t been resolved and now I’m stuck with a major repair. GM did step up and cover half the expense which ended up being a brand new motor. The dealership acting like they’ve seen this before gave me a quote which I paid for which ended up not even being close. To me I don’t even think they took the time and though they just knew due to the re occurring problem other people were having.

The inner doors are begun to rust within a year and again GM has been doing their best to keep customers satisfied as I recently got a notice they will fix this issue.

My dealership has done other serviceable work which is to be expected all poorly finished and guaranteed every time after I get something done within a week or as early as the next morning something else break or fails. I go through the process of swapping out parts at my expense that doesn’t fix the issue for me to return the vehicle the next week to “try” again.

As recently as this past few weeks. I get a complete break job, pads and rotors. They call me up I also need a wheel bearing. “Ok fine go ahead”. Get the car back and now I have a huge clunking noise when I turn right or shake the car in that direction. I bring it back to have it checked and replace a tail light bulb, since it was there. They swap out a link and still problem isn’t fixed so they decide analyze, really? Now after you charge me $250 you do some test. Great job. I get the car back this with the clunk and the one thing they can fix, the bulb still wasn’t done.

I then get my father and uncle, both mechanics which over 40 years each of experience to look at my SUV. As they search we fine other issues, like the bumped is barely hanging on. Within the first minute they knew something wasn’t right with it. Half the plugs are missing. Isn’t this something that should have been noticed and fixed?

In conclusion, it’s in my opinion not to purchase this vehicle. They have their issues and GM has made attempts to fix and keep the customers happy, more than I would expect. However, the product is still the issues and a lot of these issues I hope have been fixed or solved. Secondly, know your dealership. I thought I knew mine but because of the lack of technical service I will never buy a GM again. Which is sad as in my profession GM is one of my largest customers and if we gave them the service I got we wouldn’t be a supplier to them.

Thanks for everyone who read through my rant and hopefully I’ve given some insight on the vehicle.

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