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Datsun Cherry F-II 100A 1974!

06-07-2015, 12:36 PM
Hi folks!

I am Hasham from Pakistan. I own a Datsun Cherry 4 door sedan, as mentioned in the title. Its in stock condition, with A10 engine (988cc) petrol.
I'll be changing every thing soon, including the engine as its very difficult to get its parts now a days. I want to swap it with a 4A-GE redtop 16 valve or a blacktop 20 valve. Is it possible? I really don't know if it will fit in FF layout. Can any one suggest me a good engine for it? with low fuel consumption. Any good economical engine as petrol is very expensive here in Pakistan. :D

Kind regards,

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11173408_10152881902231313_6826875653946775563_n.j pg?oh=d746998818497f3965f584fb073fd814&oe=55F77772&__gda__=1441756772_93b9ffe9af759324ac1a42fb2e44905 4

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