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2012 Colorado LT power locks

12-27-2014, 12:54 PM
Howdy. I have a 2012 Colorado Ext Cab 4x4 2.9L and the door locks work but in a strange way.
Both doors lock and unlock everytime you put it into and out of gear (auto trans).
I can't lock the doors with the key fob until the dome light cycles off and usually it only opens the driver door with the key fob. I had a Silverado and you could click the door locks on and off all day, not this one.
If it has been sitting I can unlock both doors most of the time.
Usually I manually lock the truck upon exiting which does both doors.
After sitting and both doors unlock, tells me there is probably a wire connection issue but then why the time delay with the dome light?
Where can I get a good electrical schematic without dropping $200 for the Haynes manuals?
Also does anyone sell those manuals on CD or DVD?

Its a nice truck, little under powered but ok. I got it in Oct w/ 9489 miles on it.

Thank you in advance for any help.

The Woot

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