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My Ford Touch Problems- Software Update

06-29-2014, 11:52 AM
Many of you are having all kinds of issues with your My Touch systems, and also many of you do not know about the BIG update that came out in August of last year. We still get cars in for My Touch problems that do not have this update even 2014's, I don't know if people are just dealing with them cause they don't want to waste time at a dealer or what. Well waste no more you can do the update yourself right in your driveway. There is a few things to know to make is successful so I put a video together walking you through it with tips along the way. Hope this helps.


07-28-2014, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the video. I have not experienced any issues that I can recall (at least none not related to accidentally touching the controls below the screen when navigating the touchscreen :/ ) with the system in the '13 Explorer I just bought. Assuming you do everything right, which sounds easy given your detailed instructions, is there any reason NOT to go ahead and update to the latest version? I confirmed that I have the .12285 version. I like staying current, but I'm also not keen to fix things that aren't broken. Sometimes it bites me in the butt. :)

08-09-2014, 09:23 PM
Are you still on here? The reverse camera acted up on my wife the other day, so I installed the update today. Seemed to go fine, but I never got a final 'update complete' message even after 30+ minutes. It just rebooted the last time and when it came back up, the radio turned back on and nothing happened. I let it run for about 10 minutes after this and nothing else ever happened. Version info shows the same as in the video (though I just noticed in the pic I snapped that there is nothing under the gracenote db section. Could the update have partially worked then just quit?

08-10-2014, 09:20 PM
I guess this forum is pretty dead. I ended up running the update again after re-downloading it and using a different USB drive to rule out corrupt file issues. This time I got the final success messages shown in the video. Backup cam still acting up - so I guess it's going to have to visit the dealer sometime.

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