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Speed Addictions: a movie about imports and import racing

11-12-2001, 10:50 PM
Hello all,
My name is Marcus Holling and I am a film-maker from the United States. I am filming a video entitled "Speed Addictions."
It is about imports, sportbikes, and hot ladies. Here in the States access to Skylines is limited. I live in Florida and other than MotoRex in California, the only other outlet to access the Skyline luckily is in my home state. Therefore, there are not many opportunities to film some kick-ass footage. This video started out to document the local Florida scene, then I was able to make it a national project. I now wish to make it international as well. I am asking for submissions of footage for the video. Skyline, Supra, WRX, RX-7, sportbike, it doesn't matter. If you think it is cool, and that it would be a good addition, I would like to see it. If it's an international submission it WILL BE IN THE VIDEO. Crashes, burnouts, drag races, illegal street races, I am looking for it all.
E-mail me at speedaddictions@juno.com if you have any questions about the video. If you wish to send a submission, my address is:

Marcus Holling c/o H-Bomb Productions
8168 Great Valley Trail
Jacksonville, FL 32244 U.S.A.

I plan on releasing the video in March 2002, with potential plans for international distribution.
Note that all submitters will get credit in special thank you section of credits.

Thank you,
Marcus Holling
"Speed Addictions"

11-13-2001, 09:53 PM

11-14-2001, 08:31 AM
To those who have contacted me about submitting video footage:
Please include your full name and written permission to use the footage that you have sent.

Marcus Holling
"Speed Addictions"

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