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shiftkit for a 4t65e

10-15-2013, 08:37 PM
If anyone has ever done a zzperformance shift kit on a 4t65e, 2005 Lesabre, got a question on the install. I put both 3/4" spacers in the bores, the put the accumulator pistons in, then placed the 1/2" spacer on the 1-2 piston top and the 3/4" spacer on the 2-3 piston top. My question is, the 3/4" spacer on top the 2-3 accumulator piston is at the same height as the spring that sits atop the accumulator piston. Thus seems the spring action is pretty much taken out of the picture. It kind of doesn't seem right, but it may be. Just wondering if anyone did the mod with this kit. and if so, is it normal for that 3/4" spacer to be same height as the sring on the 2-3 piston. Called ZZperformance and left a message. They haven't returned my call as of yet. Any help would be appreciated.

10-16-2013, 08:23 AM
Just found what I was looking for. Check it out if you want good pictures for the install. Thanks to Danthurs. http://www.gmforum.com/performance-137/making-installing-shift-kit-4t65-hd-transmission-278802/
This looks just like the ZZPerformance shift kit. Even better instructions/pictures than on the ZZPerformance website.

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